What is the difference between grinder and high polisher in floor construction?

The last step in using concrete floor curing-agents during construction is polishing. You can choose to use a grinder for polishing in this process, or you can choose to use a high-speed polishing machine for polishing.

What is the difference between grinder and high polisher in floor construction?

But now a problem has arisen - what is the difference between the two? Today I will analyze the differences in performance for the two devices. When using a floor grinder for concrete curing construction in the polishing stage, the floor grinder generally uses fine-tooth resin grinding discs for polishing and grinding. Because the floor grinder's speed is somewhat lower than that of the high-speed polisher, the grinding efficiency of the floor grinder will be relatively low. As a result, the labor cost will be significantly increased, and the loss rate of grinding discs will be higher than that of the high-speed polishing machine.

Since the grinding disc of the high-speed polishing machine is comparatively large, the pad's linear speed at the edge of the polishing pad is very high. This makes the high-speed polishing machine much more efficient in concrete-curing during construction as the floor area can be covered much quicker. The polishing pad used by the high-speed polishing machine has a greater usable area than similarly-priced grinding pads, making the polishing pad more cost-efficient. However, because the high-speed polishing machine cannot be used for rough ground grinding, it can only play a role in the short polishing stage later in construction. Therefore, when choosing floor grinding equipment, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the project's actual situation and rationally choose the most suitable construction equipment.

Publication Date: 18 September, 2020


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